Tuesday, May 15, 2012


The first of theBrimfield Antiques Shows was held May 8th through May 13th. There are three a year but the May show is widely considered the best. If you are a dealer or just an avid antiques fan you should try to go to this show at least once in your lifetime. As we were already in Massachusetts and not far away we made the trip and were not disappointed. Found some great pieces for the shop including an 18th Century Gustavian corner cabinet, Swedish tables and amazing industrial mirrors.
Following are some photos of  show highlights. Most of these are from our favorite booth shared by two extremely creative dealers: NORTHSTAR ANTIQUES from Dallas Texas and RECYCLING THE PAST from Barnegat New Jersey. The last two photos are a sampling of some of the more colorful shoppers.

1 comment:

  1. Once again Moki has captured the essence of style with her unique eye. She seems to have a special look into the future of design and style. I had the pleasure of visiting her shop while in the U.S. and was captivated by her creative approach. I spent most of my day there buying for my hotels and houses. I look forward to my next visits to her speical shop.

    Freida Shonen
